; Changes to LSC Notice of Non-Compliance procedures
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Changes to LSC Notice of Non-Compliance procedures

This message is to inform you of some changes to the LSC Notice of Non-Compliance procedures. A Notice of Non-Compliance is a document that LSC sends to agencies detailing the errors and corrections contained in a rule filing. Notices of Non-Compliance are sent to the agency rule contact that appears on the rule filing.

Previously, LSC has emailed a hand-edited, scanned black and white PDF of the rule corrections and the PDF included only those pages of the filing that contained errors. One Notice of Non-Compliance was generated per final filing action.

Effective immediately, LSC will be emailing electronically edited PDFs of rule corrections. One PDF will be generated for each individual rule and all pages of the rule body will be included, not just the pages that contain corrections. When you view the Notice of Non-Compliance PDF, corrections will appear in red. Now, if you final file ten rules and three of them need corrections, you will receive three Notice of Non-Compliance PDFs attached to one email rather than one PDF with random pages from three different rules. Rather than asking you to print, sign, and return the cover page to communicate approval of the corrections, you will now only need to respond to the email putting the word "approved" in the email response.

Notice of Non-Compliance PDFs will have a consistent filename structure for easy identification. An example of a Notice of Non-Compliance filename is: CORR_103$1-1-01_20080408 where: CORR designates a correction; 103$1-1-01 is the rule number; and 20080408 is the effective date (yyyymmdd) assigned to the rule.

We hope that you will find the new Notice of Non-Compliance procedures to be a valuable improvement over the current handling of corrections. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 614-387-6117 or the ERF Help Desk at 614-387-2078.


Julie C. Hartzell
Staff Attorney
Rules Unit Administrator
Ohio Legislative Service Commission

Posted to the Rule Filers Mailing List on October 10th, 2008

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