; New on the ERF Website on October 9, 2002
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New on the ERF Website on October 9, 2002


Changes have been made to the Electronic Rule Filing (ERF) system to allow filers to comply with Sub. S.B. 265 of the 124th General Assembly. Filers will need to complete two additional questions on the first online form. If the filer indicates the rule incorporates a text or other material by reference, they will also be required to complete 2-3 additional questions on the RSFA. If you have questions regarding SB265, we suggest speaking with your agency's legal counsel. Please note: SB265-related questions only appear in conjunction with typical and no change package types.

If you elect to file referenced material(s) electronically as part of your package, you will see a new button on the rule page. It is labelled "Incorporated by Reference (SB265)." Use this button to upload referenced materials in .pdf format only. Provide a title and copyright information at time of upload. Remember, if the referenced material being uploaded is copyrighted and permission has been granted to use this material, a copy of this permission needs to be uploaded as an Additional Communication.

The Rule Summary and Fiscal Analysis form pt. A will no longer be completed using the Rule Authoring System (RAS) software. Instead, it will be completed 100% online using the ERF website. Any RSFA Pt. A's that you have as .xml files on your local machine but have not yet uploaded to the ERF system will have to be redone. For help with this, please call the ERF Help Desk at 614-387-2078 or send email to erfhelpdesk@lsc.ohio.gov.

Need to make a change to an existing RSFA? You can do so by opening the correct form, changing your answer and clicking "Save."

Please note: RSFA pt. B and the Environmental Impact Statement will continue being drafted in the Rule Authoring System (RAS) software.

The Online Summary and Supplemental Questions form has been renamed to Form 1 : Online Data and Supplemental Questions. The RSFA Pt. A has been broken into 3 forms:
     Form 2 : Rule Summary
     Form 3 : Fiscal Analysis
     Form 4 : Incorporated By Reference

All questions on all forms must be completed before the package can be filed. If a question on Forms 3 or 4 is not applicable to the particular rule being filed, please enter "Not Applicable."

When working with the forms, you'll notice 2-4 buttons appearing at the bottom of the screen. The "Previous" button will save the text in the text boxes of the current form and take you to the previous form. The "Next" button will save the text in the text boxes of the current form and take you to the next form. The "Save" button will save the text in the text boxes of the current form and take you back to the Rule page (editRule.jsp). The "Cancel" button does not save any new text or text that has been edited in the text boxes of the current form and takes you back to the Rule page (editRule.jsp).

Once the forms have been completed, click on print/view to review the completed RSFA.

Please note: Any packages staged prior to October 9, 2002 cannot be filed until the new questions 11 and 12 have been answered on Form 1 : Online Data and Supplemental Questions. When you click the red "File" button and stage a rule for filing, a popup box will appear with the following wording: "The questions on Form 1 referring to materials being incorporated by reference must be answered before this package can be filed." To proceed with the filing, click Cancel and open Form 1 for the rule(s) in question. Answer questions 11 and 12, print/view the rule and RSFA, and you'll be able to file.

Please note: If you answer question 11 "yes", upload IBR documents and then change your mind, you will have to change question 11 to "No" AND remove the uploaded IBR documents.

If filing during this period, you are asked to complete questions 11 and 12 on Form 1 : Online Data and Supplemental Questions appropriately. If your rule DOES incorporate a text by reference, it is recommended that you answer "Yes" to question 11. Otherwise, the RSFA will render with the following wording: "The filer specified online that the rule does not incorporate a text or other material by reference."

All documents, once filed, will have the file stamp appearing at the top of the document. The file stamp box has been slightly altered; it now appears on a single line. The box in the upper lefthand corner records the action taken. The box in the upper righthand corner records the date and time the action was taken. File stamps appear only on the first page of the document. They now appear on documents submitted in .pdf format such as public hearing notices and appendixes. The new style is retroactive and appears on all documents filed since the launch of the ERF system.

Beginning October 9, 2002, all rules filed with the ERF system will have an additional page added by the system. This page will appear at the end of the rule and will display the effective date, R.C. 119.032 review dates, Certification and Date, Promulgation statute, Statutory Authority, Rule Amplification, and Prior Effective Dates. The page will display the rule number in the upper lefthand corner and the page number in the upper righthand corner.

Documents rendered by the ERF system will be locked to prevent alteration. Locked .pdfs can be identified by a gold key appearing at the bottom of the page.

For help, we suggest reading documents available in the "Help!" section of the ERF website. Two documents of interest have been updated to reflect these new changes to the ERF system: 1) How to Prepare An Original Filing and 2) How to Prepare A Revised Filing.

When uploading an appendix to the ERF system, you will be asked to identify the action being taken on the appendix. There are four choices: existing, amend, enacted, and rescind. For assistance in identifying the proper selection, please call Vicky McMahan at 614-466-7572. When viewing an appendix, the type selected appears at the top of the first page. Please doublecheck that the correct type appears. If it is incorrect, you'll need to remove the appendix, reupload it and make the correct choice. You will need to continue putting the rule number and page number on all pages following the first page at the time you create the .pdf file.

Due to extensive changes to the system, it will be necessary to rerender all previously uploaded documents. Please allow ample time to rerender and carefully examine your documents prior to filing.

Posted to the Rule Filers Mailing List on October 8, 2002

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